School Delivery Timeframes

Thanks for choosing The Graduation Emporium to help create lasting memories for your Graduating students.


As a teacher myself, I know how important it is to be able to set and forget as many jobs, because let's face it..... Term 4 & Graduation can get a little 'just hold on for dear life and hope you make it to the end'.


So let us take the stress out of one thing for you.



This year, we offer 4 timeframes for delivering of your order:

- Upon payment and straight away

- End of October

- Early-Mid November

- Mid-Late November


Should your school require an earlier delivery date that those outlined above, this is no problem at all. Just contact us and confirm your school order and date needed by and we will ensure to have it on it's way to you and safely to you by the date you specify.


We look forward to working with you soon and feel free to reach out if you have any questions we have not answered.